Organisation and Governance

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Uganda Kolping Society is a Lay Catholic Social Movement registered as a Non-Governmental Organisation and as a Company Limitted by Guarantee without shares. It is run and managed under the following structure:-

  • The National Protector: Is the patron of UKS and official representative of the Society in the Uganda Episcopal Conference. The Rt. Rev. Albert Edward Dr. Baharagate is UKS first National Protector.
  • The National Convention: This supreme assembly of members’ representatives convenes once every two years and after every four years elects the National Board of Directors.
  • The National Board of Directors: Consists of two appointed and seven elected persons. It normally sits once every three months.
  • The Executive Board: Handles and regulates day to day affairs through monthly meetings. This consists of 5 members from the Board of Directors, President or Vice President, Praeses, Treasurer, Secretary and the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director.
  • The National Office Management: Headed by the Managing Director implements policy on a daily basis. This consists of Administration, Finance, Community and Membership Development; National Projects and Technical Services.
  • The Zonal and Diocesan Organisations: Are formed by the Kolping Families, approved by the Board of Directors and confirmed by the National Convention where and when deemed fitting.
  • The Kolping Families: Are formed when at least twenty persons from twenty different and distinct natural families come together for the purpose.


UKS is a family-like community NGO, working with communities in Society, Church and State, Marriage and Family, providing technical support towards self–help and spiritual renewal for integral development, with values embedded in the Catholic Social Doctrine, and the teachings of Adolph Kolping.


To be the leading Development Organization in Uganda, with steadily growing membership promoting integrated self-help activities, with an aim of making the world a better place to live in.


To enable our members to prove themselves as Christians in the world especially with regard to such cardinal aspects of life as: -

  • Marriage and Family
  • work and Profession
  • Church, Society and State
  • Culture and Recreation.