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The Finance Coordinator (currently Andrew Baguma) heads the Finance Department which is concerned with all financial matters of the organisation.

At National Office, the Finance Coordinator is assisted by the Accounts Assistant/Cashier while the Accounts offices at Project or Programme level are manned by Accounts Assistants who report to their respective Management teams and are overseen or supervised by National Office’s Finance Department and the Internal Auditor to ensure that the organisation’s funds are put to prpoer use and there is value for money.

To enhance monitoring of funds, UKS engages a reputable external audit firm which checks all books of accounts at the end of every year to give a true picture of the application of organisational funds and other resources.

UKS also carries out regular internal and external evaluation exercises as a means of monitoring performance ad planning for the future.

As result of an external evaluation 2005-6, the five year Strategic Plan 2007-2011 was drawn and is currently being implemented.